Continuing TCM Education Series 5: Dermatology
Co-organized by Eu Yan Sang Academy and Singapore Chinese Medical UnionEvent Date: 15 – 17 January 2016
CTE Points: 9
*Local registered TCM Practitioners are eligible for Employment and Employability Institute’s (e2i) 50% Course Fee Subsidy. For more information, kindly refer to the Terms and Conditions.
About the Speaker: Professor Gao Shangpu

Gao Shangpu is a Chief Physician of the Dermatology Department in Longhua Hospital (affilitated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine). She is also a mentor to the Master’s Degree students, as well as a visiting scholar to Oregon Health & Science University. Professor Gao was under the tutelage of Shanghai’s famous Physician Tang Hanjun, Ma Shaoyao and Tianjin’s well-known Dermatology expert in Integrative Medicine, Director Mao Shuhe. She is a member of Ma Shaoyao’s Research Centre.
Between 2008 – 2009, Professor Gao attended Oregon Health & Science University as a visiting scholar, engaging in research works on the genetic basis, regulation mechanism, pathogenesis and therapeutic targets of psoriasis and skin cancer. She has been awarded training grants for personal talent development in Shanghai. She has published 20 professional articles, participated in the compilation of 5 monographs. Professor Gao Shangpu specialises in using Chinese Medicine for the management and treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, hair loss etc.
1. Clinical Experience and Research Findings in TCM for the management of Acne
2. Clinical Experience and Research Findings in TCM for the management of Atopic Dermatitis
3. Clinical Experience and Research Findings in TCM for the management of Psoriasis
For more information on this event, kindly click here for the brochure.